May 2024 – Rome

The Success Story of ICETL 2024

Virtual Session

Name Affliation Article title
education conference Prof. Dr. Nissim Ben-Arie Professor at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Just Do It: Student Engagement Strategies for Lecture Hall Classes
education conference Prof. Brian Guenter Rubrecht Meiji University, Japan Questioning Japan’s English-Only and Other Language Teaching Communicative Directives
education conference Prof. Tajana Ljubin Golub Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb, Croatia The Role of Students’ Coping in Academic Achievement, Flourishing and Burnout

Understanding Academic Procrastination and Burnout: The Role of Meaning in Life

education conference Prof. Petra Pejić Papak University of Rijeka, Faculty of Teacher Education, Centre for Childhood Research, Croatia Collaborative Teaching Strategies in A Stimulating Learning Environment
education conference Dr. Michelle Attard Tonna University of Malta, Malta Quo Vadis: Exploring The Perceived Role and Identity of Ten Teacher Educators
education conference Dr. Tatiana Sildus Pittsburg State University, United States Culturally-Competent Teachers for Multilingual Classrooms
education conference Assoc. Prof. Robert Levesque University of Moncton campus Edmundston, Canada Perceptions of high school students regarding the teaching profession
education conference Prof. Dr. Stuart James Mackay University of Salford, United Kingdom An exploration of the variability in clinical assessment scores of students on an allied health professional degree programme in the UK
education conference Dr. Sukritta Preechawong Skill Shape Company, Thailand The Soft Skills Assessment of Pre-service Teachers in the Faculty of Industrial Education, Thailand
education conference Ass. Prof. Dr. Mira Bajovic Brock University, Canada More Than Just Playing and Fun: Educational Benefits of Video Games in Classroom
education conference Prof. Joana Fernandes Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal Examining Dropout Factors in Master’s Programs: A Comprehensive Analysis in the Field of Tourism
education conference Dr. Angel Ruiz Blanco San Jose State University, United States Mapping Translation & Interpretation Courses Using Student Digital Portfolio Development
education conference Narmatova Gulchekhra Abdikarimovna Naruto University of Education, Japan English-Medium Instruction in Japan: experience and its implementation in internationalization of agricultural higher education in Uzbekistan
education conference Tsoi Lam Yan University of Cambridge, United Kingdom A mixed-method investigation into post-pandemic Hong Kong secondary school English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers’ reflection on Emergency Remote Teaching
education conference Dr. Beder Bocanegra Vilcamango Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo, Spain The «plop» in the Condorito comic, an analysis from Saussure and Strauss y Corbin
education conference Yuet Wai Wong The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Experiential learning of Cantonese through educational video production
education conference Dr. Malik Al Zakwani University of Technology and Applied Sciences- Al Mussanah, Oman Student Perspectives on Using ChatGPT as a Tool for English Language Learning and its Perceived Impact on Learner Autonomy
education conference Monica Festa University of Salento and Al Akhawayn University, Italy Offering Students Multiple Modalities to Participate in Discussions: Lessons Learned from Emergency Lockdown Teaching During Covid 19
education conference Zahrasadat Mohajeri University of Salerno, Italy Aiming for more inclusive societies through education: A comparative study between Iran and Italy
education conference Pavlína Vočková Palacky University Olomouc, Czech Republic Literary Texts in English Textbooks
education conference Prof.  Ali MERÇ Professor and head of English Language Teaching Department at Anadolu University, Turkey EFL Teaching Practicum: Problems and Suggestions for Solutions
education conference Ohm Tripathi University of Connecticut, United States Female Under Representation as First and Senior Authors in Medicine Subspecialties: A Meta-Analysis of Academic Publications
education conference Dr. Rodrigo Francisco de Jesus Rede UNIFTC, Brazil Development of Competency-Based Curricula with A Focus on Interprofessionalism in Health
education conference Yinuo Wang BASIS International School Chengdu, China The Impact of Working Memory Training On Mathematical Performance: Evidence from High, Medium, And Low Levels of Achievement Motivation
education conference Dr. Marie Ryan University College Cork, Ireland Enhancing Inclusivity and Engagement in Economics Education Through Co-Created Assessments: A Case Study from University College Cork
education conference Dr. Denisa Titili University “Fan S. Noli”, Albania The Perceptions of Students Regarding Gender Equality Policies in Universities
education conference Yunus Emre Vural University of Siena, Italy Perceptions and Practices of 21st Century Learning and Innovation Skills: The Case of Pre-Service English Teachers
education conference Xiaotong Yuan Central China Normal University, China Developing Students’ Writing Creativity: Evidence from Project-Based Learning