Using Comics to Assess Students Understanding of Science Concepts

Proceedings of ‏The 3rd International Conference on Research in Education, Teaching and Learning

Year: 2020


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Using Comics to Assess Students Understanding of Science Concepts


Paywand J. Hassan



science concepts can be difficult for pre-school children, especially if they are in the first step of making a relationship between their life and the society or first step of discovering their life. There are many activities lead students to understand more about science and math subjects like exploring, discovering, observing and handling objects. On the other hand, problem solving is the best way to transfer information to kids’ mind besides improving the imagination ability by using themed-comics and drawing comics themselves. They are both considered as being very significant teaching tools for enhancing the educational process of science and make it more effective. Nowadays, with developing knowledge, facts and science concepts, using interactive activities is very significant concerning teaching science. Thus, this research was assumed to show the benefits of comics in supporting science concepts by science teachers in their classrooms. Besides, the study targeted grade three students in 6 schools in Erbil KRG.
This calculable enquiry in this research was conducted with the participation of science teachers in Kurdistan regional government (KRG) basic schools. Additionally, with the attempt of gathering and estimating the vital data, 10 objects in an examination questionnaire were used and 321 students were chosen to take part in this study by answering the questions asked by 10 teachers examining them. Furthermore, the students were divided into a control group and experimental group in order to compare the results.
The finding results showed that the percentage of the exam results of the experimental group was more than the control group, after collecting and comparing the exam results of those groups. and the quantifiable data was statically analyzed through Excel Program.
In conclusion, themed-comics and drawn comics can be very fruitful in making science concepts more engaging and appealing for students of pre-school and also encouraging them to get the scientific idea easily.

Keywords: Themed-comics, Drawn Comics, Science Concepts, Science teachers, Teaching style.

education conference

Paywand J. Hassan

TDEI Institute Iraq /KRG Government