Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Research in Education, Teaching and Learning
Year: 2020
Determining Factors in The Perception of Cyberbullying in Victimized Adolescents:
Psychoeducational Implications
Inmaculada Fernández-Antelo, Isabel Cuadrado-Gordillo,Guadalupe Martín-Mora Parra
The knowledge of the perceptual structure that victims have of the cyberbullying phenomenon favors the adjustment of prevention and intervention programs. However, there are few studies that try to find out what are the factors that influence the construction of a certain perceptual structure on cyberbullying, let alone those that focus on a population such as victimized adolescents. This paper aims to know the perceptual structure that victimized adolescents have about cyberbullying, as well as the factors that determine the construction or modification of this structure. The sample consisted of 2148 adolescents (49.1% girls) of ages from 12 to 16 (M = 13.9; SD = 1.2). The results have shown that in the victims’ perceptual structure the key factor is the intention to harm, closely linked to the asymmetry of power and publicity. Anonymity, revenge and repetition are also present in this structure, although its relationship with cyberbullying is indirect. Likewise, the results indicate that victimization experiences, as well as the intensity of the aggressions suffered, play a mediating role in the formation and modification of this perceptual structure. These results allow defining risk factors that would promote the durability of the victim’s role and the conversion of victims into poly-victims. Knowledge of this perceptual structure provides key elements for the design of psychoeducational prevention and intervention programs in cyberbullying.
Keywords: digital violence; intentionality; prevention; risk factors; secondary education.

Inmaculada Fernández-Antelo
Department of Psychology. University of Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain

Isabel Cuadrado-Gordillo
Department of Psychology. University of Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain

Guadalupe MartínMora Parra