Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Research in Education, Teaching and Learning
Year: 2020
Novice Teachers’ Satisfaction with Teacher Preparation and Recommendations for Improving Teacher Training
Eveli Laats
According to studies, students’ progress is influenced by teachers’ qualification. Despite their qualification, novice teachers have adjusting difficulties and soon leave the profession, caused by drawbacks in teacher preparation. The qualitative study aimed to identify satisfaction with teacher preparation among teacher training graduates and make recommendations for improving teacher training. It involved 14 teacher-education graduates. The data of the semi-structured interviews were analysed using qualitative content analysis. The results revealed satisfaction with a thorough theoretical basis and acquired skills: reflection, compiling study materials, information search; and dissatisfaction with excessive theoretical focus and insufficiently taught skills: using digital tools, teaching students with special needs, preventing burnout; short and rigid pedagogical practice. Graduates suggested using more active learning methods and teaching skills practically, also inviting novice teachers to share their experience; flexing pedagogical practice.
Keywords: novice teachers, teacher training, teacher preparation, recommendations for improving.

Eveli Laats
University of Tartu (Estonia)